Start A New Chapter

by Valarielovelight


Have you started to write a new chapter in your life today? If not, why not?  Was it because the last one didn’t make the best sellers list? Did you have writers block or felt you had nothing to write? Do you believe no-one would read or even care?

Stop focusing on other people when it comes to you and your life. In order to inspire others, you first have to inspire yourself. So, write your story and remember to be true to yourself and make every word count for something. Lastly, don’t let others write your story for you, because they’ll never get it right! Hugs and love from me to you. Valarie

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Scott Mitchell January 5, 2015 - 1:18 pm

Every day is a new chapter for me and some are part 2’s and so on 😀
Happy New Year Valarie!

Valarielovelight January 6, 2015 - 2:53 am

Lol, Happy New Year as well Scott. Great way to view life! Write something new everyday. More writing for me and I’ll start posting some poems. Hugs Valarie

jmsabbagh January 6, 2015 - 2:36 am

Profoundly beautiful quote.Happy 2015.

Valarielovelight January 6, 2015 - 2:51 am

Thank you! I hope your 2015 is beautifully written and enjoyed. Valarie


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