About me

by Valarie Lovelight

Valarie Lovelight is a writer and author of the debut nonfiction book When Cherry Blossoms Bloom. Through its characters, the book gives voice to those living with a terminal or life-limiting illness. Writing the book is intended to let them know they don’t have to be brave all the time, and that it’s OK to ask for what they need. To show that they too are affected by grief. Since her early years as a medical explorer/candy striper in a hospital, she has worked in pastoral care and volunteered in hospice. Throughout her career, she has interacted with people on many levels, including sickness, disease, grief, and loss.

She also writes contemporary romance and Christian romance. Her next novel The Way You Love Me will be rereleased at the end of the year. The third novel, whose title is still to be determined, will be released in 2023, followed by two more novels.

In her spare time, she also enjoys writing poetry and one day hope to bring to life her fantasy outline in the form of a novel as well. She enjoys creating new things with her crafts and traveling. She always has her passport ready! She lives between New Jersey and Michigan on her way to her next destination.