What Honesty Means

by Valarielovelight


Honesty means being transparent, nothing concealed, no secrets, and full disclosure. In relationships it means opening yourself up to be known in depth as much as possible. Leaving yourself open to be hurt by the person(s) you’ve opened up to.

Trust is wrapped around honesty, because the more you trust someone, the more you open up to them. When trust is present honesty can flow freely, and unhindered. Although you leave yourself open to be hurt, trust allows you to do so believing that it is not misplaced.

Unconditional love shields the heart so that if honesty is false and your trust is misused, you will not be crushed, devastated or broken. Wounds will heal, hearts will mend, walls won’t go up to keep others out and make you a prisoner of your own emotions. You will hurt but you will also fully recover.

Honesty is a virtue you can’t afford to lose because the other side of honesty is dishonesty i.e. lying, false truths and lack of trust. There can be no genuine love without honesty only fallacies. No matter what you’ve done, others have done just as much, maybe even more.

Can you be honesty? Will you allow yourself to be transparent when others are not? Don’t allow the dishonesties of your past bind you in your present and ruin your future.

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coconutspeak June 19, 2013 - 3:38 am

My dear and lovely Valerie,

Love this post! I think honesty is the biggest human challenge there is. We live in a world of physical and mental hiding places. They exist because we all feed on self-preservation. Many believe they will die of shame if our secrets are exposed. My blog http://coconutspeak.wordpress.com/ has a disclosure of why I started the blog. If you want, look at the archives from July 2012 to August 2012. Let me know what you think.

Scott Mitchell June 19, 2013 - 11:40 am

beautiful write-up, as always Valarie. Every time I read “unconditional love” somewhere it brings a lot to mind. Memories and analysis. A term often used too loosely in a place where it doesn’t really exist. Feels like it exists, but the human condition surprises with a new reality. But then, there are those that do have it. They’ve learned the parts of life required to actually have unconditional love.
I’m no pro, but that’s my take on it. Have a great week!

Valarielovelight June 19, 2013 - 12:17 pm

Scott you are right, it is learned and has to be practiced everyday with everyone. Our mind convinces us we have it in our relationships until something happens to show us we/they don’t. Unconditional love without honesty is conditional love at best and selfish in its application. As always Scott hugs and have a great week as well! Oh, did go to the theatre?

Scott Mitchell June 19, 2013 - 2:45 pm

True, all you say. No, I didn’t go yet, but there is an event coming up soon that I have tickets for. It’s just the “Free Summer Celebration” and I thought it would be a good one to introduce myself to their events. I guess I should ask someone to go since I got 2 tickets haha. Been procrastinating…

Valarielovelight June 22, 2013 - 12:58 am

Yep, you should. Procrastination is man’s time waster, besides their concerts are pretty good. What better way to bring in the summer than with a symphony. I’d better send you some get going slippers. Ha, now that sounds funny.

Price of honesty | Corporate Skirts June 26, 2013 - 1:54 pm

[…] What Honesty Means (valarielovelightblog.com) […]


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