Journey Side Note!

by Valarielovelight

Las Vegas was a challenge for me in the beginning being in a place unfamiliar. I had left everything behind on the east coast. I sold my car for the bus. I left my nice apartment, to move into an efficiency apt across from a wash with homeless people living there. I left behind friends, comfort, snow and cold, well I didn’t mind leaving those behind but I did miss the seasons changing and the first snow.

Anyway, in Vegas I took the bus everywhere or walked. The heat could be brutal and I saw people pass out in the summer due to dehydration. Not pretty at all. As crazy as it may sound…long sleeves in the summer is a must and an umbrella. The long sleeves are the different between hot and/or frying in the sun.

After several months of job searching I was blessed to work for a company that paid the least but offered the most. I called this my God ordained job! Why? Because not only were the people including management laid back and friendly, so were the executives. Not common at all. They were big on team building. Seriously, who let their employees off a half day to do a scavenger hunt on the Las Vegas strip or and escape room and so much more like employees bonuses, celebrated monthly birthdays… I think you get the picture.

My desert journey wasn’t all bad. I had food, water and a place to lay my head. I got up around 4 or 4:15 am to catch 4 buses to get to work by every day. It was a long day but I was never late for work. I met wonderful people and overcame some fears I didn’t know I had.

Finally, Covid-19 came and as jobs were closing. My job did lay-offs as well in March but I wasn’t one those who were let go. Amazing… yes! My official job title was receptionist and even though I did much more, there was really nothing for me to do once the country started shutting down. I’m usually one of the first to go in a company.

God had other plans!!! I stayed at home while my job continued to pay me until June.

I as well as others was furloughed so that I could receive unemployment but they will keep paying our medical benefits until 12/31/20. Seriously, they could be saving those monies!!!!

I shared this side note because although my journey was lonely and fearful especially in the beginning, it wasn’t all bad. When God calls you and you go…you may not have the best of things but you will have all you need. In that situation, I was still able to help others in need.

Hugs and Love from me to you! Valarie

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mocchan2 November 22, 2020 - 1:27 am

Speaking of journey, I can remember that it’s not about the destination it’s about the journey. Thank you, Valerie.

mocchan2 November 22, 2020 - 1:39 am

Speaking of journey, I can remember that it’s not about the destination it’s about the journey. Thank you, Valarie


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