Alone Or Lonely – Poem

by Valarielovelight


Alone Or Lonely

Alone or lonely which one am I?

Hmmm let me see, I can’t decide.

If I was alone you wouldn’t be listening to me.

Maybe just I’m lonely!

Or could it be I’m in between.

Wanting to be alone but needing to be seen!

I think I want to be alone.

No-one calls on the phone.

Spending some quiet time in a quiet place

Just needing my own space!

Hours and hours with me and me only

Sigh… Now I’m feeling lonely!

© Valarie Lovelight 2009

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Scott Mitchell January 25, 2015 - 4:57 am

A poem! Awesome one Valarie. I’m remembering someone saying she would share some of her writing with me months ago 🙂
But I just sit here lonely and waiting

Valarielovelight January 25, 2015 - 7:04 pm

Lol, good one Scott and you’re right. So, in box me on FB your email! Unless you want to wait and see what I post, it won’t be months…I promise. Hugs – Love in action – Valarie

jmsabbagh February 3, 2015 - 7:55 pm

Hi Valarie ,beautiful expression of inner feelings.With all the beauty life offers us makes every minute precious .Thank you for stopping by.Best wishes.Jalal

Valarielovelight February 3, 2015 - 8:11 pm

So true Jmsabbah, the struggles we have within ourselves and the loss of freedom because of it. Thank you for stopping by. Hugs

jmsabbagh February 3, 2015 - 8:43 pm

You welcome.


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