Lonely People

by Valarielovelight

It’s said that some of the loneliest people are in a room full of people but no-one can see their emptiness inside. They feel like they are on a road with no-one and no help in sight.

They smile and laugh but inside they’re crying out for help. Maybe the obstacles they are facing require more strength then they have or, the burden is too heavy for them to bear.

When discouragement and depression comes they can become vulnerable to suicide. Not because they want to die but because they can’t see any other options.

The tunnel becomes real as it offers a light of hope that they can escape the pain and torment. The light promises a new beginning someplace else or at least the end of suffering.

Lonely people can be anyone at any time in any stage of life. Reach out to those you see in need. Take the time to listen to their heart because you may not ever get another chance. Don’t brush aside their concerns because it seems insignificant to you.

Remember, we are all unique. What you can handle, I may not be able to. What you easily brush off may feel like a heavy weight to me. What may seem like no big deal to you is everything to me!

Love is real and powerful. Show more love in your words and actions to those around you starting today. Listen to someone ramblings; you just might help to save their life.

Hugs and Love from me to you! Valarie


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