Even though land seems to be in the middle of nowhere, I see a beautiful sky full of clouds with the sun’s light radiating through and between them. The ground to the left has been prepared to yield crops in its season. The field to the right has the potential to produce an abundant harvest as well. But for right now, it’s carpeted by grass and inviting passerby’s to sit, lay back and enjoy the view even picnic. A road well-travelled that says all are welcome! I see openness, potential, beauty, endless possibilities, peace, transformation, inspiration and a beautiful canvas to dream about the future.
What do you see?
Hugs and love from me to you! Valarie
Amazing nature ,the beauty within reflected by our sight. Beautiful picture.J.Micheal
‘The beauty within reflected by our sight’. Lovely thought of our own perception of people, places and things! Great comment. Hugs Valarie
My pleasure.J.Michael