Happy New Year!

by Valarielovelight

2014 ny

Now is the time when most people reflect on the past 11 months and 30 days, re-evaluate and plan to change. Unfortunately, the person you were at 11:59pm is still the same person you will be at 12:00am (Midnight). Change is a process and if you wanted to be different in 2014 you should have started a while ago. Now, is it too late… never, but it will take patience, perseverance and consistency for change to occur. With that said, be patient with yourself. If you could’ve changed in a blink of an eye, you would’ve already done it.
New Years is not about making resolutions to better yourself or your life (there’s nothing wrong with that). It’s not a fresh start or the only time you can reflect and change, you can do those things at anytime of the year. Try seeing the New Year as just that, a new calendar year. Now, you can and should have plans and goals you’d like to accomplish within the next 365 days without the pressures of feeling like a failure if you don’t do them all. Enjoy the new year and each day contained within it. At the end of 2014 hopefully you will look back and see a year that you enjoyed, not one that’s full of broken promises and failed resolutions. HAPPY NEW YEAR! LOVE YOURSELF MORE THAN YOU DID IN 2013.

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1 comment

rolerrol January 17, 2014 - 9:12 pm

I really loved this post…..



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