My Free eBook/Paperback Promotion

by Valarielovelight


For the readers out there of Christian Fiction or fiction that challenges how you see people, check out my book ‘Seeing Through the Eyes of Love on Kindle. Today and tomorrow April 6-7th, 2013, it is available for FREE on Kindle.

However, if you don’t have a Kindle and would like paperback, I will mail you a copy for free. NO STRINGS ATTACHED!!! All I asked is that you like my Face Book Fan page, this will help me to keep track of the first 20 people to receive a FREE copy. Click on link below.

Note: This book is fiction but not a romance book although there is some in it. Enjoy!

**All information will be used solely for mailing of the book. No list is being compiled for present or future use of contact.

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oldthingsrnew April 6, 2013 - 4:27 pm

I got it! It is very generous of you to offer the paperback. Shipping costs a fortune.

Valarielovelight April 6, 2013 - 4:50 pm

I don’t mind, I do it out of love and the message of loving others. Love is an action word and I try to put my love to action. Thanks for the love in return.

Valarielovelight April 6, 2013 - 4:52 pm

I don’t mind, I do it out of love and the message of loving others. Love is an action word and I try to put my love to action. Thanks for the love in return.


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