Meet The Characters

by Valarielovelight

     Hello and welcome to my blog.  I’ve been getting questions about my book and the characters as well as suggestion for a sequel. Hmm… moving on.  I will keep you updated with my projects and share some of my challenges and frustrations of being a new Indie Author and clueless about the process. I will share the mistakes I’ve made and will make as I learn and grow. If you look at my Amazon stats, you’ll see I have very few comments reviews and ratings. The reason for this is because most of my books I’ve sold offline by word of mouth.  Hey, word of mouth still works, especially when you’re just learning how to utilize social media.  Also, I’ve uploaded to B&N Nook as of last week. So stay tuned…

     From time to time Gary, Ramona, Liz, Reverend Bobby and others will stop by to say hello and maybe share what they’ve been doing. You can ask questions and they will answer them.  Click on their tabs and check out their pages for conversations and updates. Until then, treat people the way you want to be treated, with love, patience and understanding. Remember, love is an action word, so show it.

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