Life’s Surprises!

by Valarielovelight

Well, my sister is visiting my parents in NJ from Germany where she has lived for 9 or 10 years. After taking a family with her trip down south 2 weeks ago, I had to fly to NJ last week because she was having emergency brain surgery to remove a mass. WHAT!?! Yes, life’s surprise in deed. The surgery was successful but now she can’t walk and speaks slowly at times. Still, her attitude is positive as she presses through this temporary challenge. 

First, let me say this, travelers insurance is a must for those who travel a lot. Her insurance covered the surgery (how much I don’t know) as well as transport (soon) back to Germany with a medical professional. All I had to do was call and they handled everything occasionally asking me for a document. Talk about being efficient and helpful! Also, thank God they have an office here in the U.S. because I don’t speak or understand German.

Now, I’m taking an unscheduled trip to Germany with her because health care is so expensive here that her travel insurance wants to send her back to Germany to do rehab since she needs to be in an actual facility. Can we say FMLA with no pay!!! Yes, another one of Life’s surprises!  But that’s what love does!

I won’t complain because she could’ve died. I thank God that it was detected in time! Whatever’s left of the hospital bill we will deal with without stress or worry! I’m just thankful and blessed to still have my sister! 

Hugs and Love Valarie

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