I Did It!!!

by Valarielovelight


I read a post on everydaypowerblog about 5 words that needed to be deleted from our vocabulary – I can’t, Failure, I’m overwhelmed, But and I hate. I always focus on the positive but yesterday I caught myself saying “I can’t” do something because I had tried it a few times before. Well, I tried it again and finished it today… Yes, I said finished. It took me two days but it’s done. It’s not that I couldn’t do it, I just couldn’t figure out how. I kept searching it out until I learned. Now I can!!! Now, I can save money (Yay!!!) and do it myself. If I had to make a point it would be change your mindset and words to line up with your goal. It may take time and a bit of frustration but the reward of accomplishment is worth it. Valarie

Note – I didn’t write what I accomplished because it was important to me. Now do what’s important to you! I know you can! Hugs and love from me to you. Valarie

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