Flash Contest Rating Stars

by Valarielovelight

Thanks to those who have gone to the contest page and liked the story. Just a note of clarity, voting is done by clicking the star rating at the top right of the page. For those who can, please go back and click the stars. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks.

Here is the link again.


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Leslie Ann Varela July 17, 2013 - 1:35 am

I love your blog, so for this I have nominated you for the Super Sweet Blogging Award, to accept and read the rules click here, http://leslieannvarela.com/2013/07/16/super-sweet-blogging-award/. Happy blogging!

Valarielovelight July 17, 2013 - 1:45 am

Awe, thanks Leslie, you’re so sweet indeed! I accept this award. Love in action, you have definitely showed me some today! Hugs


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