Be Outstanding

by Valarielovelight


As always, I believe in celebrating the uniqueness of each individual. We’re not carbon copies. We may be similar but never the same. Even identical twins have differences, not matter how subtle, if you pay attention. With that said, be proud of who you are. Never compare yourself to someone else because you’ll always fall short in your eyes. When you look in the mirror don’t focus on what you don’t have or how you don’t look. Learn to appreciate who you are and learn to love being you! I’ve learn this over the years with myself. Change what you can if that will make you a better person not just a prettier one. Happiness starts from the inside out not the outside in. Be outstanding by being you!

P.S. If you want to feel better about yourself, help someone else to feel better about themself! Just a thought.

Love & Hugs from me to you! Valarie

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