Breaking News: Patience Needed

by Valarielovelight

Hurry up and wait! We’ve all heard that before but what does it mean. There are things in life that we anxiously await. Relationships, a big event, a new car or home something that gets us all riled up.

However, patience is a virtue to be learned through practice. We want people to be patient with us while at the same time we’re impatient with someone else.

Waiting can be tiresome and tedious but if we learn this virtue the time invested will forever be invaluable.  So, exercise patience when the opportunity presents itself. One might consider patience to be a sibling to self-control. You know self-control, the ability to control yourself and your actions.

Instead of rushing into things, slow down and take a step back. You might just realize there’s really no need to rush you’ll get eventually! You just might be better prepared for it when you do.

Hugs and love from me to you. Valarie


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